EGW quotes that speak to me, and maybe you too!

Posts tagged ‘know truth’

Study for yourself

Do not trust to the wisdom of any man, or to the investigations of any man. Go to the Scriptures for yourselves, search the inspired word with humble hearts, lay aside your preconceived opinions; for you will obtain no benefit unless you come as children to the word of God. You should say, “If God has anything for me, I want it. If God has given evidence from his word to this or that brother that a certain thing is truth, he will give it to me. I can find that evidence if I search the Scriptures with constant prayer, and I can know that I do know what is truth.”

1888 Materials 547

Know Truth for Victory

The Gutenberg Bible displayed by the United St...

Sola Scriptura

Let the word of God speak for itself; let it be its own interpreter, and the truth will shine like precious gems amid the rubbish.  {1888 196.1}

If our people depended much less upon preaching, and spent far more time on their knees before God, pleading for him to open their understanding to the truth of his word, that they might have a knowledge for themselves that their feet were standing on solid rock, angels of God would be around about them, to help them in their endeavors.  {1888 196.2}

 It is one thing to give assent to the truth, and another thing, through close examination as Bible students, to know what is truth. . . now is the time to take special pains to prepare ourselves to meet the temptations and emergencies which are just before us.  {1888 197.1}

Let every heart be subdued before God. Let there be a taking hold by living faith for victory over ourselves, victory over Satan.  {1888 197.3}


Address to participants in Week of Prayer – Battle creek MI, 12/15/1888

1888 Materials, Chap. 23, pp.196-